
Luke Bowles


Last login: Sat, Apr 6, 2024, 06:43:11 PM on wwyk003

LBowles:CV lbowles$

> cat about.txt
I'm an aspiring entrepreneur and tech enthusiast. My passion lies at the intersection of business and technology, specializing in software development and business analysis. I've honed my skills working on diverse projects from robotics, SaaS, web3 and recently the ReFi space. Real-world problem-solving and constant learning are at the heart of my work ethos, seeing every project as an opportunity to improve my skill set.
> cat skills.txt
[Next.js, TypeScript, Web3, Tailwind, Project management]
[Python, SQL, Node.js, Solidity (Learning)]
[Boxing, Running, Drumming]
> cat education.txt
University Of Cape Town
Bsc Computer Science and Business Computing [2020-2023]
> cat work.txt
Company logoLiquidium [2023-ongoing]
Lead Frontend Engineer at Bitcoin's largest inscription lending protocol. Contributed to its growth from $50k -> $35Mill in volume. Recently lead the V0.3 redesign of our codebase
Work URL
Company logoOnset Carbon [2022-2023]
Easy, publicly verifiable blockchain-based carbon offsetting. Recipient of Celo's Prezenti Grants
Work URL
Company logoNeon Analytics [2020-2022]
LinkedIn marketing analytics and reporting • TurnLeftMedia
Work URL
Company logoCell Traq [2018-2019]
Using a thermal camera system to monitor cathode efficiency in electrowinning plants • MasQ Brands
Work URL
> cat side_projects.txt
Project logoAlpha Feed [2023]
Using AI to surface the most significant AI related news of the day
Work URL
Project logoSubstance Use Disorder Assessment Tool [2022]
Standardised tool for assessing substance use disorders in the Western Cape (South Africa) - Final year Comp Sci project
Work URL
Project logoWallet Usage [2022]
Simple tool showing ethereum wallet activity
Work URL
Project logoKlima Incoom [2021]
Simple staking rewards calculator for KlimaDAO
Work URL
Project logoWRO 2017 Advanced Robotics Challenge [2017]
Our team placed 9th out of 380 international tertiary teams in the Advanced Robotics Challenge at the World Robot Olympiad in Costa Rica. The challenge was to build a robot that plays a 3D Tetris-like game
Work URL
Project logoWRO 2016 Senior Open Category [2016]
We placed 15th in the Senior Category at the World Robot Olympiad in New Delhi. We developed the concept of an autonomous fleet of robots to clean up waste in large bodies of water
Work URL
Project logoSimple Learning Time [2016]
An educational app to teach students how to tell time. It is used in multiple schools across South Africa and several other countries.
Work URL
> cat nfts.txt
NFT logoEtherplanets [2023]
Fully on-chain, procedurally 3d planets using Three.js rendering
Work URL
NFT logoOn-chain Black Holes [2023]
Fully on-chain, procedurally generated pixel art black holes. Blackholes introduced a burning mechanic where they could be merged together to form larger black holes
Work URL
NFT logoOn-chain Kaleidoscopes [2023]
Fully on-chain, procedurally generated, animated kaleidoscopes
Work URL
NFT logoOn-chain Solar Systems [2022]
Fully on-chain, procedurally generated, animated solar systems. 100 ETH volume
Work URL

Luke Bowles © 2024